Wednesday, 30 March 2011

How to become a MUSLIM

You need to believe that there is One God and Prophet Mohammed is his last Messenger. You need to believe in all of the prophets and the message that they brought which was monotheism. Belief in the angels and the last day. You need to believe that Prophet Jesus was not the son of God but a Prophet. In addition, you need to believe that Prophet Jesus will return back to Earth. You have to believe in the Bible, the Torah, (the first that came out, not these books we see these days) and the Quran. You need to have faith that the Quran is the final book for all mankind and it is the word of God. After you meet all of this criteria then you need to say the testimonal of faith to become a Muslim.
Do you want to become a Muslim?
Say with all your heart the following words:
La ilaha illa Allahwa-Muhammad rasul Allah.Welcome to Islam

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